Classic Canes - Country Ash Knobstick
The ash knobstick is a traditional walking stick that has been grown and used in Britain for centuries. Produced using the coppicing method, these sticks are formed from the shoot that grows when the upper part of a young ash tree is removed. Each one of these unusual silvery-grey sticks is unique and will become a trusted and much loved friend over time. They are grown in the woodland of the manufacturer in Somerset, England.
Fitted with a metal ferrule.
Ref: 1203 - ash knobstick
Height: 92cm (3'0")
*all sizes are approximate
Please call 01736 363134.
Alfred Smith & Son (Penzance) Ltd. 31 Clarence Street, Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 2NX Registration: 661550 London, VAT Reg. No: 131 6184 93