We believe all parts of our business are important - none more so than our warehouse and delivery service.
As soon as your goods arrive we will contact you personally to arrange a day to deliver at your convenience. We can offer you 'AM' or 'PM' and even work around the school runs. If required, you can contact us the day before and we can give you a 2 hour time slot for when we will be with you.
Our delivery men will deliver your furniture to your room of choice and set it up for you. If required they will explain and show you how items operate and make sure that you are happy with your purchase. We will remove and dispose of all packaging materials. To leave you to enjoy your new purchase!.
Alfred Smith & Son (Penzance) Ltd. 31 Clarence Street, Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 2NX Registration: 661550 London, VAT Reg. No: 131 6184 93